Are you struggling to teach your child his/her weekly spelling? In this blog, I'm going to share with you 5 ways you can make spelling or ting xie fun for your child!
Before you start doing this activity, make sure you have taught your child how to read and break down the words.
Write the letters of the word onto different post it. I split it using phonics e.g. scoop - I will write on 3 different post it - sc | oo | p. For sight words, I will break it down into different letters e.g. t|h|e
My child loves to 'hide' these letters and search for them. Once she formed the word, she will write it on the post it once.

2. RAINBOW Spelling
Using the rainbow spelling template, we will first read the words together once. Raelyn will then write the words onto the Rainbow Spelling template. Using the 6 rainbow colour pens or colour pencils, she go first LOOK > SAY > COVER >WRITE > CHECK. This template helps my child to learn from their mistakes. Notice that I used the word 1st try , 2nd try because I want her to know that it is ok to make mistake and she can always go for another try!

You may download the template here.
Songs is very addictive and trust me, this is very fun and it works like magic. I use it for both English and Chinese. You can invite your child to create his/her own song. If you can include actions, that will be perfect!
Depending on the words given, Raelyn's spelling list is a thematic based so I was able to create a chinese song from her ting xie list and sang it to the tune of 小白船. Using the tune of nursery rhymes is the best!
For words which are abit more difficult for my child, I use storytelling. For example the word - SCRUB. Since my child learns letterland, I told her this story - Samy snake and clever cat met Red Robot who was holding an umbrella and a brush. They use the brush to scrub the floor.
You can also find patterns within the word example - HEAR. You use your ear to hear! so your child can link h -ear as most children who learns letter sound will be good in their beginngin sounds.
words like sting --> I told her the bee has this sharp needle which looks like a letter i and that stings! Similarly for stick, things like satay sticks or sticks which you can find in the garden, they look like letter I and that is how she remembers the middle sound.
Another way to teach them words is to put them into context.
Step1:I will create a short story/paragraph with the list of words and read it to her once.
Step 2: I will read out the spelling words/ting xie and she will highlight the words.
Step3: Fill in the blanks with the highlighted words
In this short activity, your child learn the following skills:
Word recognition , how to use the words in a sentence, writing and checking by themselves.
You may download this sample activity here.

I hope you find my sharing useful and learning spelling or ting xie is not a chore anymore!
- Adeline Ng