Raelle started learning numbers this year when she was 2.5 years old with my self created activities which can be found in my Bubzmath for Nursery pack.
Recognising numbers and doing 1-1 correspondence
I have edited this activity in the pack with a set of number cards so your child can play with this activity with different numbers that you or the child picked. You may choose to use wooden blocks for easy stacking up here instead of counting cubes.

A wide topics is covered under this area and you will see how this progresses as they cover these topics in Kindergarten and Primary School - Length, Mass, Bar Graphs, Geometry and Volume.
Introducing the word long and short may seem so simple but understanding the concept is important. A child who is not expose to these words may not know what it means. Notice the difference between tall and short and when do we use them?

When do we use the word longer and longest? At nursery level, we can share with them that when we compare 2 items, we use the word longer than or shorter than. This activity, I have modified it such that your child can also measure the length/height of the items shown. Over here, you are introducing the unit of measurement.

Tracing and learning how to write numbers
Colouring helps to build up their finger muscles and it really doesn't matter if they colour out of line. Over here, you can either let your child use their finger to trace the number or if they are ready to write like Raelle, they can learn the proper way of writing numbers. Draw or build it is to allow them to link it to actual counting. You can use anything in the house to do this or the counting cubes provided.

Learning math through stories.
When I used to teach in a classroom, I love to make up stories for such questions : 5+6=?
Children love stories and this simple way can engage them better. Instead of telling you child to keep writing 1. How about telling your child, Raelle went to the zoo and she is going to feed the bunny. Can you help me check how many carrot do you need to feed the bunny? It's written here (point to the number 1. Show them that 1 can be represent in different ways.
Child: 1!
Mum/Dad: Can you form the number 1 with the playdough or trace it?
Next, Raelle , can you make a carrot for the bunny?
Provide options if the child likes to colour or make a carrot for the bunny.
Learning is a process, by doing a simple activity like this - your child is listening and processing what you are sharing. Not only she learns about number, there is sensory ongoing and this helps the brain to retain what she is learning.

Shapes and Colours
This is Raelle's favourite topic apart from learning colours. Introduce shape to your child through real life objects is the best. You can play 'Í spy with my little eyes' with them and this can be done on the go or during break time. I spy with my little eye something that is circle! or I spy with my little eyes something that is blue!

I hope the little tips above is helpful for you as to how to guide your child while using my activities.
Do drop me a message or email me anytime if you need help.
You can use the number cards to do the activities here. Prepare dot stickers , ice-cream sticks or straws for the activities. Do tag me at @bubzexplorer if you are trying any of our activities. :)
